
Just Rhoda

Energetics & Energy Coach

Just Rhoda The Energy Alchemist

We are all energy.

An energetic signature in space.

Which resonates and creates ripple effects throughout our lives- that we aren't even fully aware of. We affect not only those we know, we also effect those we don’t know, and those we will never meet, by just being.

Many of us take for granted the impact we have on the world, from something as small as a smile at a stranger, the interaction with the person who sells us our groceries, our energetic being impacts the mood of others, and in turn how they react with the next person they connect with, and so on.

Yet not many realize the power we have of being ourselves in the world, and if we choose to master it, it will not only impact our life for the greater good, but it will enhance our global community long after we are gone.

I facilitate clients in introducing them how to interact with their energetic field to remove trapped trauma and pain from their body and life.

As a global community each and everyone of us have experienced trauma and inherited it. Yet when we experience these moments we have not been taught how to process it healthily.

The nervous system runs the show, reliving the trauma as the left and right brain hemisphere go into polarity to attempt to not relive it. This process creates over time, anxiety, depressing, exhaustion and in some cases chronic illnesses.

That’s just one incident, imagine all those incidences your haven’t been able to process playing out simultaneously like this, all while you’re trying to live your life.

This is where I come in.

Many of us wear metaphorical coats daily loaded down with past worries, fear, old trauma responses, ancestral and global programming, protective patterns and the fear of taking actions into the unknown. This coat clogs up our energetic interaction which leads to a life that is less than smooth. We want more from life, yet become ingrained in old protective patterns that stem from past traumatic experiences, that we are unable to process, and we remain dimmed.

Our system tends to be blocked with past pain, fear, negative ancestral patterns, global programming, and why not add in the sensory bombardment, and overload of the day-to-day.

Our fields tend become backed up and blocked in protection mode.

Yet when we are able to master how to clear and rearrange our field, shift stuckness and ancestral patterns that no longer serves us, we start to create a vacuum of space which then enables us to welcome in what we have been desiring and receiving visions for. For the desires and wants occur to act as an incentive for us to do the work to clear the path to receive.

The Podcast